The investment team’s idea generation comes from deep research across a myriad of sources, mediums and regions


Each quarter we share a sample of our insights with our clients. We welcome you to subscribe to our thought leadership to receive this regularly.

ARKKs Don’t Always Float

Quarter 4: December 2021. With inflation concerns finally becoming a hot topic, is it time for a touch of Volcker? This quarter we explore...

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Quarter 3: September 2021. This quarter we explore the Wall Street sell-side machine, ESG overload and the “add-back economy” amongst our analysis and observations of...

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Narrative over Numbers

Quarter 2: June 2021. As we discuss regularly, investing is an imperfect science. Anyone that talks to perfect estimates and forecasts does so out of self-interest and ego...

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What’s the hurry Rick?

Quarter 1: March 2021. Another eventful quarter has come to an end, full of fierce speculation and get rich schemes – not quite peak exuberance but we feel we are on the way.

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